Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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530 lines
* Icon configuration.
* System-specific definitions are in define.h
#include "::h:define.h"
#include <stdio.h>
* A number of symbols are defined here. Some are specific to individual
* to operating systems. Examples are:
* UNIX any UNIX system
* VMS VMS for the VAX
* These are defined to be 1 or 0 depending on which operating system
* the installation is being done under. They are all defined and only
* one is defined to be 1. (They are used in the form #if VAX || MSDOS.)
* There also are definitions of symbols for specific computers and
* versions of operating systems. These include:
* SUN code specific to the Sun Workstation
* MICROSOFT code specific to the Microsoft C compiler for MS-DOS
* Other definitions may occur for different configurations. These include:
* DeBug debugging code
* MemMon memory monitoring output
* Other definitions perform configurations that are common to several
* systems. An example is:
* Double align reals at double-word boundaries
* The following definitions insure that all the symbols for operating
* systems that are not relevant are defined to be 0 -- so that they
* can be used in logical expressions in #if directives.
#ifndef PORT
#define PORT 0
#endif /* PORT */
#ifndef AMIGA
#define AMIGA 0
#endif /* AMIGA */
#ifndef ATARI_ST
#define ATARI_ST 0
#endif /* ATARI_ST */
#ifndef HIGHC_386
#define HIGHC_386 0
#endif /* HIGHC_386 */
#define MACINTOSH 0
#endif /* MACINTOSH */
#ifndef MSDOS
#define MSDOS 0
#endif /* MSDOS */
#ifndef MVS
#define MVS 0
#endif /* MVS */
#ifndef OS2
#define OS2 0
#endif /* OS2 */
#ifndef UNIX
#define UNIX 0
#endif /* UNIX */
#ifndef VM
#define VM 0
#endif /* VM */
#ifndef VMS
#define VMS 0
#endif /* VMS */
* The following definitions serve to cast common conditionals is
* a positive way, while allowing defaults for the cases that
* occur most frequently. That is, if co-expressions are not supported,
* NoCoexpr is defined in define.h, but if they are supported, no
* definition is needed in define.h; nonetheless subsequent conditionals
* can be cast as #ifdef Coexpr.
#ifndef NoCoexpr
#undef Coexpr
#define Coexpr
#endif /* NoCoexpr */
#ifndef NoEnvVars
#undef EnvVars
#define EnvVars
#endif /* NoEnvVars */
#ifndef NoTraceBack
#undef TraceBack
#define TraceBack
#endif /* NoTraceBack */
#ifndef NoStrInvoke
#undef StrInvoke
#define StrInvoke
#endif /* NoStrInvoke */
#ifndef NoMathFncs
#undef MathFncs
#define MathFncs
#endif /* NoMathFncs */
#ifndef NoLargeInts
#undef LargeInts
#define LargeInts
#endif /* NoLargeInts */
#ifndef NoMemMon
#ifdef EnvVars
#undef MemMon
#define MemMon
#endif /* EnvVars */
#endif /* NoMemMon */
#ifndef NoExternalFunctions
#undef ExternalFunctions
#define ExternalFunctions
#endif /* NoExternalFunctions */
* EBCDIC == 0 corresponds to ASCII. EBCDIC == 1 corresponds to EBCDIC
* collating sequence, while EBCDIC == 2 provides the ASCII collating
* sequence for EBCDIC systems.
#ifndef EBCDIC
#define EBCDIC 0
#endif /* EBCDIC */
* Other defaults.
#ifdef DeBug
#undef DeBugTrans
#undef DeBugLinker
#undef DeBugIconx
#define DeBugTrans
#define DeBugLinker
#define DeBugIconx
#endif /* DeBug */
#ifdef ExecImages
#undef IconCalling
#endif /* ExecImages */
#ifndef AllocType
#define AllocType unsigned int
#endif /* AllocType */
typedef AllocType msize;
#ifndef ErrorExit
#define ErrorExit 1
#endif /* ErrorExit */
#ifndef NormalExit
#define NormalExit 0
#endif /* NormalExit */
#ifndef Hz
#define Hz 60
#endif /* Hz */
#ifndef MaxHdr
#define MaxHdr 4096
#endif /* MaxHdr */
#ifndef StackAlign
#define StackAlign 2
#endif /* StackAlign */
#ifndef SysTime
#define SysTime <time.h>
#endif /* SysTime */
#ifndef WordBits
#define WordBits 32
#endif /* WordBits */
#ifndef IntBits
#define IntBits WordBits
#endif /* IntBits */
#ifndef SourceSuffix
#define SourceSuffix ".icn"
#endif /* SourceSuffix */
#ifndef IcodeSuffix
#define IcodeSuffix ""
#endif /* IcodeSuffix */
#ifndef IcodeASuffix
#define IcodeASuffix ""
#endif /* IcodeASuffix */
#ifndef U1Suffix
#define U1Suffix ".u1"
#endif /* U1Suffix */
#ifndef U2Suffix
#define U2Suffix ".u2"
#endif /* U2Suffix */
#ifndef USuffix
#define USuffix ".u"
#endif /* USuffix */
* Representations of directories. LocalDir is the "current working directory".
* SourceDir is where the source file is.
#define LocalDir ""
#define SourceDir (char *)NULL
#ifndef TargetDir
#define TargetDir LocalDir
#endif /* TargetDir */
#ifndef Options
#if UNIX
#define Options "ce:mo:stuxLS:"
#else /* UNIX */
#define Options "ce:o:stuxLS:"
#endif /* UNIX */
#endif /* Options */
#ifndef Usage
#if UNIX
#define Usage "[-cmstu] [-e efile] [-o ofile] [-Sxnnnn]"
#else /* UNIX */
#define Usage "[-cstu] [-e efile] [-o ofile] [-Sxnnnn]"
#endif /* UNIX */
#endif /* Usage */
#ifndef Pipes
#if UNIX || VMS
#define Pipes
#endif /* UNIX || VMS */
#endif /* Pipes */
#ifndef SystemFnc
#if AMIGA || ATARI_ST || MSDOS || MVS || UNIX || VM || VMS
#define SystemFnc
#endif /* AMIGA || ATARI_ST || ... */
#endif /* SystemFnc */
* Default sizing and such.
* Set up typedefs and related definitions depending on whether or not
* ints and pointers are the same size.
#if IntBits == 16
typedef long int word;
typedef unsigned long int uword;
#else /* IntBits == 16 */
typedef int word;
typedef unsigned int uword;
#endif /* IntBits == 16 */
#define WordSize sizeof(word)
#ifndef ByteBits
#define ByteBits 8
#endif /* ByteBits */
* Define the size of the units in MemMon (allocation history) files.
#ifndef MMUnits
#define MMUnits WordSize
#endif /* MMUnits */
* Change the name of gcvt() if we're supplying our own version,
* to avoid complaints under VMS and others with shared libraries.
#ifdef IconGcvt
#define gcvt icon_gcvt
#endif /* IconGcvt */
* The following definitions depend on whether or not the ANSI C standard
* is supported.
#ifdef Standard
#undef StandardC
#undef StandardPP
#define StandardC
#define StandardPP
#endif /* Standard */
#ifdef StandardPP
#define Cat(x,y) x##y
#define Lit(x) #x
#else /* StandardPP */
#define Ident(x) x
#define Cat(x,y) Ident(x)y
#define Lit(x) "x"
#endif /* StandardPP */
#ifdef StandardC
#undef Prototypes
#define Prototypes
#ifndef PointerDef
typedef void *pointer;
#endif /* PointerDef */
#undef VoidType
#define VoidType
#define Bell '\a'
#else /* StandardC */
#ifndef PointerDef
typedef char *pointer;
#endif /* PointerDef */
#if EBCDIC == 0
#define Bell '\007'
#else /* EBCDIC == 0 */
#define Bell '\x2F'
#endif /* EBCDIC == 0 */
#endif /* StandardC */
* Provide definition to use void if it's supported (mainly avoids error
* messages with some C compilers. Note: typedef does not work, so care
* is needed not to use compound declarations.
#ifdef VoidType
#define novalue void
#define noargs void
#else /* VoidType */
#define novalue int
#define noargs
#endif /* VoidType */
* Customize output if not pre-defined.
#ifndef TraceOut
#define TraceOut(s) fprintf(stderr,s)
#endif /* TraceOut */
#if EBCDIC == 0
#define BackSlash "\\"
#else /* EBCDIC == 0 */
#define BackSlash "\xe0"
#endif /* EBCDIC == 0 */
#if UNIX
#define WriteBinary "w"
#define ReadBinary "r"
#define WriteText "w"
#define ReadText "r"
#endif /* UNIX */
#ifndef WriteBinary
#define WriteBinary "wb"
#endif /* WriteBinary */
#ifndef ReadBinary
#define ReadBinary "rb"
#endif /* ReadBinary */
#ifndef WriteText
#define WriteText "w"
#endif /* WriteText */
#ifndef ReadText
#define ReadText "r"
#endif /* ReadText */
* Typedefs to make some things easier.
typedef int (*fptr)();
typedef struct descrip *dptr;
* "hidden" is used to declare static functions; "hidden" normally == "static",
* except with compilers that can't handle "static" in prototypes.
#ifndef hidden
#define hidden static
#endif /* hidden */
* The "Params" macro allows a single declaration to be used with both old- and
* new-style compilers.
#ifdef Prototypes
#define Params(a) a
#else /* Prototypes */
#define Params(a) ()
#endif /* Prototypes */
* cal_time holds a calendar time.
struct cal_time {
int year; /* yyyy */
int month_no; /* month number: 1-12 */
char *month_nm; /* month name: "January", "February", ... */
int mday; /* day of the month */
char *wday; /* "Sunday", "Monday", ... */
int hour; /* hour by 24 hr clock */
int minute;
int second;
* Function prototypes.
#include "::h:proto.h"
* More definitions depending on whether or not ints and pointers
* are the same size. These must follow the include of proto.h to
* avoid redefinition problems with some compilers.
#if IntBits == 16
#define sbrk lsbrk
#define qsort llqsort
#define strlen lstrlen
#endif /* WordBits != IntBits */
* The following code is operating-system dependent [@config.01].
* Any configuration stuff that has to be done at this point.
#if PORT
/* Probably nothing is needed. */
Deliberate Syntax Error
#endif /* PORT */
/* Nothing is needed */
#endif /* AMIGA || MACINTOSH ...*/
#if HIGHC_386
* MetaWare's HighC 386 macro putc doesn't handle putc('\n') correctly -
* sometimes a CR is not written out before the LF. So, redefine
* macro putc to actually issue an fputc.
#undef putc
#define putc(c,f) fputc(c,f)
#endif /* HIGHC_386 */
#if LSC
* LightSpeed C requires that #define tokens appear after prototypes
#define index strchr
#define malloc mlalloc
#define rindex strrchr
#define unlink remove
#endif /* LSC */
#endif /* MACINTOSH */
#undef WriteBinary
#define WriteBinary "w"
#undef ReadBinary
#define ReadBinary "r"
#ifndef NoHardWiredPaths
#define HardWiredPaths
#endif /* NoHardWiredPaths */
#ifndef NoHeader
#undef Header
#define Header
#endif /* NoHeader */
#endif /* UNIX || (MACINTOSH && MPW) */
* End of operating-system specific code.
#ifndef DiffPtrs
#define DiffPtrs(p1,p2) (word)((p1)-(p2))
#endif /* Diffptrs */
#ifndef AllocReg
#define AllocReg(n) malloc((msize)n)
#endif /* AllocReg */